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AWS Glacier


Google Cloud Storage

Decentralized network
Data Redundancy
Retrieval speed
Price per TB/month
Retrieval cost 
Upload Cost
Starts at $50/TB
Transfer Cost
Starts at $50/TB
Starts at $120/TB
As shown in the table, Medula provides a decentralized network that offers redundancy, durability, scalability, security, and compliance without any extra cost for retrieval. Additionally, Google Cloud Storage and AWS Glacier charge a retrieval cost per GB, whereas Medula does not have any retrieval costs, upload cost and/or transfer cost. 

Frequently asked questions

Don’t leave with any doubt.
How is the data stored?
Data is stored in 32GiB or 64 GiB encoded sectors.
Where is the data located, are there regions?
Data is located at Storage Provider data centers, based on customer requirements/selection.
How can I control access to my data stored?
DLT data access has limited options (a dedicated machine can disable retrievals, but by adding encryption to the data files, customers can control access by managing encryption keys.
Is data access auditing supported?
Local logs are available for data access upon request.5. How secure is customer data in Medula? a. Medula data center facilities are fully secured, access controls and other security mechanisms such as sharing are optional on a per customer basis.
Is Medula compliant with PCI, CCPA, GDPR, SOC2 etc.
Medula is in the process of obtaining SOC2 Type II audit and HIPAA certification. Other certifications may be obtained with customer requirements.
How is the data secured (at-rest, in-motion)? 
Data at rest may be encrypted as an option, including an option for whole disk encryption. Data transmitted over a network is encrypted with TLS 1.2 or as determined by a customer.
How is it integrated with existing hot storage cloud offering and on-premises?
See Medula basket diagram.
What is the durability of this solution? 
Medula recommends multiple replicas in different geographic regions based on customer needs. Daily audits of sectors reveal any data corruption, allowing us to replace any bad sectors with good replicas as needed.
Is there a charge for retrieving the data? 
Depends on customer agreement.
What use cases is this product not a good fit for?
DLT storage is ideally suited today to cold archive storage.Optional cloud storage (basket) allows for warm retrievals.

Still have questions?

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